“The real reason for our existence is that we provide something which is unique… [T]he reason for our existence and the measure of our success is how well we are able to make our product.” 

  • Dave Packard Sr. – 1960

I heard something similar from a billionaire the other day. In every job interview he asks the prospect , “What’s the purpose of business?” Every one of them answers – profit. 

And they’re wrong. The billionaire’s answer? To LAST. The decisions a business makes when it’s purpose is to last are probably different than when it’s purpose is to maximize profit for the next quarter. It’s a whole new level of business.

From a political standpoint, let’s ask, “what is the purpose of our political party?” Most people would say, “To win the presidency.” Some people might say, “To win Congress, or the Senate, or the state legislature.” They could even say, “To win.”

All of those are technically true. If we answer, “To grow,” we’re taking it to a whole new level. A growing political party means more supporters, which means more volunteers, which means higher party turnout, which means more votes, which means more wins. 

But what happens when we nominate a charlatan, a deep fake party member? When we grow the party with people whose principles are consistent with our platform, we’ll raise enough money and have enough volunteers to win with the right people. 

That’s what the founders intended. They built a country that would reflect the actions and attitudes of an engaged electorate. You can make a difference. Drop me a line or give me a call to get started.