Time is the friend of someone properly positioned and the enemy of someone poorly positioned.
Farnham Street Blog
If you’re under a certain age, you don’t wear a watch, unless it’s a fashion accessory. Watch wearing will probably make a come back. After all, many things that are old become new again.
Even without watches, time, and its keeping, dominate American life. Shot clocks, kitchen timers, countdowns, time outs, exam times, run times, dinner time, from work to play, time is our essence.
Scroll through your tik tok feed or Facebook reels. You’ll find a video about making the most of the time you have.
Most of those videos will tell you what today’s quote does. They’ll also remind you of what it was like on test day when you were prepared for the exam compared to the times you weren’t. Take the time to put yourself in a good position. You’ll do better.
It’s imperative that we republicans in Illinois start now. Let’s make good use of our time. We need to get out our vote if we’re going to defeat the big bad blue machine. Do we want to wait until next year to start looking at voter lists and strategizing? Or do we want to win?
If, as my old Boy Scout troop leader would say, we prepare, we’ll be in a better position to win next year. So let’s make time our friend and get moving. We don’t want to wake up the day after Election Day to a sinking revelation about our lack of preparation and our new enemy – Time.