“Choose principled public servant…”
John’s mission vision and values are important. He believes if you know his mission, vision, and values that you will join him in his effort to help you transform your community.

Why I am Republican
People ask me this a lot. Why are you Republican? So I figured I’d put the answer on my website.
I’m Republican because I believe people don’t need bureaucrats to tell them how to live their lives. I believe that government isn’t only for the people. I believe government should be of and by the people too. That’s the essence of freedom.
I’m Republican because I believe in fighting crime and respecting civil rights.
I’m Republican because I believe in individual and free market solutions.
I’m Republican because I believe in keeping taxes low. Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. Taxes aren’t the government’s money. Taxes are our money. I believe we should make sure every penny counts before asking for more. We should be sure the society we’re paying for with our taxes is civilized.
I’m Republican because I believe that government programs should be run as efficiently as possible: and I believe that those programs that cost too much or don’t work should be cut.
I’m Republican because it is the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan. Republicans led the charge to abolish slavery, expanded voting laws to include minorities and women, fought to make sure workers’ rights were protected, and established civil rights. Republicans fought for smarter government, for better government, and for people to be taxed only as much as is needed to provide a civilized society.
I’m Republican because I believe in faith and family values.
That’s why I’m Republican. That’s the Republican Party I believe in. Those are the values I believe in. And I fight for them every day.